The Scarlet Woman and Star Fire

As always, what we have been taught in our education process is filled with lies. That being said, when someone talks about Scarlet women, they think of an adulteress or whore. Nevertheless, what I am about to tell you will shock you and maybe gross you out. That’s OK because I am here to inform you and entertain you. 

First, let me be clear in stating that this is not to be confused with the Ancient Babylon, which was known as the “Scarlet Woman”. This my friends, is a whole other scenario. In ancient times, Priestesses were known as “Scarlet Women”. These women were valuable for their menstrual blood. They were also known as “Beloved Ones”. Early patriarchs had a taste for this bloody delicacy. This was known as drinking the blood of the Goddess. I wonder if they got extra points for yummy blood clots that were exiting the Va-Jay-Jay.

By drinking the menstrual blood of the Goddess, the patriarch would gain Mystical abilities along with extending their lives. As you may know, some people (patriarchs) lived to be 300 years old and longer during biblical times while those whom did not partake in these delights did not live as long. The ingestion of blood was a common occurrence in ancient times as the Gods that were worshiped were of the Reptilian race. In addition, these Priestesses were of a bloodline of the Gods, thus making their blood a higher commodity. The blood substance itself was known as “Star Fire”. 

So who the Fuck started defining the words Scarlet woman as whores…? The Roman Catholic Church… ding, ding, ding, ding…! It was they whom contrived the lies in order to discredit the Scarlet Women. As always, the Church stepped into to hide the truth from the masses. 

This story goes much deeper that what I have laid out here. This is just a teaser to spark your interests in bizarre things. For now, you can relax knowing that the Elite used to eat women on their periods so they could be smarter than you and live longer too.


  1. Which lends credit to my inference that Women have been and always will be, the Dominant half of our species. We, as men, have always thought of ourselves as the dominant ones. Yes, we are stronger, we carry the seed to perpetuate our species yet, if you really look at what the female of our species does and Can Do, us men are just women's protectors, if you will. When I say protectors, I say that in a dignified way. Men will protect what makes us procreate. Women have always been the leaders of our species, and they know it, Women let us men be the "strength" the "protectors" of them. Unfortunately, men do not realize this as we are too proud of ourselves and vain. Women, if they were to unite, could stop wars from happening, among other things. Women have the power and means to do so many things, right now, to reshape our World into something Beautiful. I do not, in any way, mean "Hillary2016!" either. I am not talking about this society that is happening in just this one Country called the U.S.A. at this time, I'm talking about the Planet. Hell,we even call it Mother Earth! We call our ships and just about anything else that "carries" us, a female, She's this and She's that! Modern day Religion stifles what can really be a blessing to us, as a species, just for their own vanity and greed. And I could go on and on with why this planet needs a Matriarchal Society rather than the Patriarchal Chaos that is happening now. Just my opinion...


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